
You like the idea of being super fit and participate in amazing races. But when it comes down to it, you don't do the training. You call yourself lazy, or you are just too busy. I am usually very motivated to train, planning workouts, races and tactics in my head. But it happens that I just don't feel for it. If it is a temporary problem, I start the training but allow myself to shorten it. Half the time, I will do an easier workout, half the time I am fine with the prescribed workout once I start. But it is important to allow yourself a little brake. If you struggle a lot with motivation, stop and analyze. Do you really want to be a serious athlete and pay the prize? There are a lot of things I like to be able to do, mastering a musical instrument for example. I mean really mastering it, picking up tunes by ear, play a big repertoire effortless and relaxed in public. But I do not want to do the training that will take me there. I have started many times, and I don't like...