
Showing posts from November, 2020

Cleat covers for biking shoes

Recently, I invested in new pair of bike shoes. For winter training, I like to have a roomy pair where I can fit a decent pair of warm socks. I am very pleased with the shoes, so comfortable and stiff sole with carbon. I also bought a pair of cleat covers, which I never had before. They can easily fit into my back pocket while biking and then be slipped onto the cleats if I stop for a break. These covers are so great and they will really reduce the wear on the cleats. /Gunilla

Best of the Best sprint triathlon, Flower Mound, TX

  Another race in the Dallas area! I am so grateful to all that make this happen in corona times. Arrangement was excellent in every way and very safe. We waited in the transition area and groups of 50 were called into the swim, which was in a pool. Weather was perfect for racing, not too hot, not too cold. I felt I had a good race and finished in second place on a decent time, 1.15.19 (swim leg was only 275 yards). Transitions were fast at 1.21 and 1.11. My run time was a little slow at 9.17/mile on a relatively flat course, I wish I could improve a bit but I am careful with running training to not get injured.  I noticed a guy on the bike leg that had his shoes fastened on the bike pedals pre-race, like the pros. He was struggling in slow speed to get his feet in and after several miles I passed him. Basically, if you are not an expert on the flying bike start, just put the shoes on in transition.  /Gunilla