
Summer break in blogging...

There has been a long break in my blogging for two reasons: I have been travelling in the Arctic of Scandinavia and largely been without reliable internet, and I have been sick for over a month stopping any interesting training. These two events are related. In late June, I flew to Sweden where I prefer to spend the summers rather than overheating in Texas. I have a log cabin in the area called Dalecarlia (or Dalarna in Swedish) which is a rural area, hilly and a center for culture and endurance sports.  It started out great, June 29, I did the Vansbro sprint triathlon and had some very fast times for my age. Weather was great too! Then the cold fronts started to move in. This year, I had company with a good friend and triathlete from Texas, and she wanted to do the 3km Vansbroswim, which is one of the world's largest open water swimming events. We braved the cold weather and trained diligently in the local lake with our wetsuits. I also wanted to show my friend the cultural si

USA Triathlon Multisport Festival and National Championships Omaha June 5-9, 2024

Four days in Omaha of several slightly different events: triathlon, duathlon (run-bike-run), Aquabike (swim - bike), Aquathlon (Swim-run) and relays! Several competitions of National Championship status and qualifiers for world championships. For triathlon, which is my main focus, the shorter distances are covered: supersprint and draft legal sprint. But this year, I tried supersprint duathlon as well. Three hours later I did the supersprint triathlon. The distances are so short that I figured I could handle both competitions the same day. At the duathlon start 7 am, I met some friends from previous competitions and got talking. The super sprint is a time trial with people starting every 3 seconds, and I was so distracted that I almost missed my own start and lost a few seconds right there! I also forgot to start my smart watch, so I have no recording of the race I took up the chase and passed a lot of people on the first run which was abut 1 km, but I don't think I was closing in

CapTex Triathlon, Austin May 27, 2024

Capital of Texas Triathlon took place in Austin (of course) May 27. I did the sprint distance, thinking it would be a nice warmup to the Multisport nationals the following week. It was my first triathlon since October last year (except winter triathlon in February) and I was looking forward to it. This is a big race with lots of participants. Texas has been very hot recently and Austin was no exception, maybe even worse because of the city effect. At the morning of the race, I was overheating just setting up transition. How would this play out? My tactic was to respect the heat, not to push hard and to stop at all drink stations.  The swim was of course not wet suit legal, and I think that works for me. I felt the swim went well, I kept up, or overtook, most swimmers in my wave (women over 50). The river was a little low and I got entangled in seaweed several times.  At T1, I gave myself time to take a mug of sports drink. Bike leg also felt good, I pushed hard without exhausting mysel

It has to be fun.

I often say I would not do triathlon and other endurance sports, if it was not fun. Some people mistake that for not being really serious about my results. That I would stop for photo ops and let friend groups decide my training and other activities.  No, that is not what I mean. I am extremely focussed on my performance, and I do (almost) everything I can to be my best. I do want to win, and I push myself very hard almost every day of the year. I research training methods, I eat well, I plan my life around the training and competitions. But I keep in mind that my sporting activity is a hobby and not a job. I have no income from the sport. I have no one expecting results from me, so in the bigger picture, it does not really matter where I place or what my time is. I choose to do sport because I enjoy it. I also make sure I don't injure or damage myself. I would never take performance enhancing drugs. What I mean is that I want to do the training and that it is meaningful, or you ca

Money, money, money...

Triathlon is an expensive sport, and it is getting worse. Apart from all the equipment, competition entry fees have increased a lot. Who is going to World Championships? The best athletes, one hope, but the reality is that lot of accomplished athletes are prized out. Travel, bike transport, hotels, entry fees, national kit fees, it mounts up. If it is overseas, it can get really bad, easily 5k US dollars for a single person.  Entry fees for regular races have also increased in the last few years. It is now at a level where I really think twice if I want to take part. Often it is cheaper to sign up early, but you never know if you will be healthy and available on the day and usually, there are no refunds. I have given up on two half Ironman races after signing up early and then, one year, I had shingles and the next year, I had Covid just before the race. In the first case I lost all the money (over 400 US dollars) and in the second case I lost about 300 dollars after I had signed up 6

US National Championship in Winter Triathlon, Breckenridge Colorado, February 23-25, 2024

Without previous experience in winter triathlon, I signed up for US National Championship in duathlon (run + ski) and triathlon (run + bike + ski). With all my participation in regular triathlon and cross-country skiing, how hard can it be? Answer: very hard. Maybe it was the altitude (>9000 feet), maybe all the fresh snow, but it was exhausting. I was worried about the altitude, and I also needed to get back into skiing, so I arrived in Breckenridge a week before the competitions.  I got an extra workout right away the first morning when I had to clear my car of snow and shovel my way out to the road. I did not want to push my limits the first day and skiing felt fine, but really, that slow? Mile splits of 12-14 minutes! I checked the Strava segments, and I was quite high on them, for my age group number 1 or 2. I realized high altitude has a big impact. After a few days, I rented a fat bike and tried the biking. It had snowed in the night and even though the track had been prepare


You like the idea of being super fit and participate in amazing races. But when it comes down to it, you don't do the training. You call yourself lazy, or you are just too busy.  I am usually very motivated to train, planning workouts, races and tactics in my head. But it happens that I just don't feel for it. If it is a temporary problem, I start the training but allow myself to shorten it. Half the time, I will do an easier workout, half the time I am fine with the prescribed workout once I start. But it is important to allow yourself a little brake. If you struggle a lot with motivation, stop and analyze. Do you really want to be a serious athlete and pay the prize?  There are a lot of things I like to be able to do, mastering a musical instrument for example. I mean really mastering it, picking up tunes by ear, play a big repertoire effortless and relaxed in public. But I do not want to do the training that will take me there. I have started many times, and I don't like