Rain and thunderstorms in the forecast for this Fort Worth Olympic distance triathlon. I had misgivings while driving five hours the day before; maybe the event would be canceled due to weather. But I had signed up, I had paid and I went. Good job, I did. It was a gray day, but hardly a drop of rain! For the 1500m lake swim, I positioned myself in the middle of the field. I am not a great swimmer, and often I take a humble position in the back only to find that people are slow and blocking my progress. This time, I was not the slowest in my group, probably most people were faster. It made me feel like I had a bad swim when people passed, but I did what I am good at; swallowing my pride and push on. I could not believe my eyes when I came out of the water; clock said 33 minutes! That is fast for me. Transition 1 included a long uphill, I ran all the way and started to peel off the wetsuit. The bike leg consisted of two loops of about 12.5 miles, I had almost the same time on ...