L'etape San Antonio by Tour de France

This is a bike race for the public and a few pro bikers in cooperation with the Tour de France organization. They have races in various cities all over the world. The first US race was in San Antonio last year, and as I live within easy driving distance, I joined for the training effect and the fun. This years race day was April 16. I had first signed up for the long race of 100 miles, but I changed to 60 miles, because later in the year, I learned that the national championship in draft legal sprint triathlon was going to occur only 5 days later. I figured I could recover in time from a 60-mile race, but not a 100-mile. My training up to the race for the last month and half has been entirely focused on the sprint races. The day was not too hot, but windy, up to 30 miles an hour gusts was in the forecast. I arrived early and got a perfect parking spot next to the venue, I kept all my gear in the car until it was time to line up for the race. Wise from my last race, I t...