TriDot Training

TriDot is an online training program for triathlon that uses data collected from triathletes to customize training schedules for different individuals depending on their goals and fitness levels. I am a big fan of TriDot because the suggested training is based on the evaluation of previous results and knows what works, and what does not work.

In January, I took up an offer from TriDot to try their training program for free for 2 months. It is all online. First, I had to put in basic information like my age, height and weight, how long I had been active and my goals and ambitions. Then I was asked to do a fitness evaluation in swim, bike and run and enter the results. 

From this information, a detailed training schedule was generated. Each day is different, it is varied, and I think it looks very appropriate for myself. If you have one of the common brands of smart watch, your training data will be automatically uploaded, and depending on how you are doing, the training schedule will be adjusted. I have a COROS watch, and it uploads via Strava. 

The first few weeks, it was difficult to learn the software, and sometimes it drove me crazy. Fortunately, TriDot offer every new customer live online sessions with a teacher that goes through the software. Soon I had it mastered. TriDot also have online help if you have software and other questions. There is a FaceBook group for discussions.

TriDot gives you total time, distances and heart rate and speed zones to follow during the workouts. You are awarded points for how well you follow the instructions, where 100 points is a perfect execution. It is hard to do, in two months, I only had one 100 pointer. Because life and weather happen, you may need to change the training schedule and it is easily done by dragging a workout from one day to another on the online training calendar.

A clever thing with TriDot is that it reads the weather at your location and time of workout and adjusts your performance zones accordingly. For example, running in hot weather will result in slower times. Once a month, you do a new evaluation and training adjusts accordingly. From the results of the assessments, you are given TriDots, which are points telling you at what level you are, for example beginner, competitive or elite. TriDot also provides helpful videos showing how to correctly execute various exercises.

The biggest insight I have got from TriDot is how important slower, Zone 2, sessions are for your basic fitness. Apart from that, I am pleased to see that my own training program that I worked out by myself is very similar to TriDots schedule. My free trial is now over, but I have signed up for a paid subscription to continue. (I am in no way paid or sponsored by TriDot, this is my own independent opinion.)

In summary, an excellent training program that works.


photo credit Alari Tammsalu


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