And it all came tumbling down...

Encouraged by a good run time in my last race, I thought I should try to qualify for the 2025 World Championship in Duathlon (run - bike - run). It's going to be in Spain and will fit into my travel schedule. For that I need to do races to improve my ranking, which I thought would not be a problem. I signed up for Katy (Texas) Triathlon/Duathlon September 1 and planned for some more during the fall.

I had a great race. There are never many people in duathlon, so everyone started at the same time, all ages and men and women together. To my surprise, I felt that the initial run pace was slow. I had planned to start modestly, but not THAT slow. After the first run of 2.5 km, I was at 4th place of total with a 7.39/mile pace. (It was a flat course). Bike went fine too; 6th place of all with 20.9 miles/hour pace. At the second run, I was a little tired but still managed an 8.45/mile pace on 5km and a 3rd best time. Overall, I won the women's race and was number 5 in total. Only four much younger men were ahead. Am I great or what?

Good times before the injury

A few days later, I travelled to California for a family event. I tried jogging around Santa Clara University but was sluggish and stiff. After a mile I was crossing a road and felt a sharp pop in my right knee, and I fell to the ground. I crawled to the side of the road with terrible pain in the entire leg. It took me at least 15 minutes to get back up and with difficulty limping back to my accommodation. 

I was in pain. I had to wait a few days to see a doctor as I was away. I also hoped the injury would heal on its own. Resting improved the pain, but it did not go away. I tried light biking, but no way. I ate anti-inflammatory medication, I put on knee support, which helped but after a month, I finally got to see an orthopedic specialist. An MRI confirmed a minor meniscus tear, but more seriously, inflammation in the bone, an unusual and complex problem.

I do think racing in the carbon plated super shoes has something to do with my condition. I had no pain before the injury, it came out of the blue.

This is serious. A cortisone shot in the knee later, I am still in pain. Training is now mainly upper body and swimming. Hoping this will go away but waiting to see more specialists. 

That was that, change of plans.


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