Make a plan

It is now time to plan for the 2021 competition season. This is a good idea for both the more serious competitors and the beginners. 

I go to the competition and events calendars and search for competitions I like to do. Note that the Ironman events are on a separate website. 

I type up all potential events on a spreadsheet with dates and location. From there I choose the key competitions, for example a championship, and this year I may try a half Ironman. These will be the focus, and the other events will serve as preparation. By making a plan, I ensure I get adequate training and rest before major competitions which helps performance on the day. I also plan travel dates and vacations away from home with the competition schedule in mind. 

Here in Texas, the season opens already in March and I am signing up to a sprint to get an early start. A few competitions really help in sharpening up routines and speed. I do not want to be flustered on an important competition, best to have a few practice runs first. 

But too many competitions are not good, there is always travel involved that takes away from training and competitions are draining, both physically and mentally. I like a balance with at least two weeks, and sometimes more, in between events (not always possible).

Due to uncertainties around corona, the 2021 season is still a bit unclear, some events may never happen. In any case, I plan ahead and I have about 8 triathlons on the schedule, most of them sprints but also an olympic distance and two middle distance (half ironman). I also intend to participate in two open water swimming events and in a major mountain biking ride. 

It will be fun!


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