I am a Strava nerd

I have to confess, I look at Strava way too much. What really has my attention are the "segments" where my time is compared to other people. A big incentive is to appear on the list of top 10 of all times. As I am older, this is rare, but then there is the top 10 in my age group, or in my training group...

Not on a Strava segment...

If you are out biking with friends  and suddenly one person sets off in a mad pace, recklessly passing parked cars and loose dogs, you can be sure it is a Strava nerd that just entered a segment. Must have that record time!

Recently, I did a longer run up a mountain in a rural area and my smartwatch lost contact with the GPS for part of the run. Consequently, Strava did not credit me with the segment. Grrr, I had a really good time... I tried for hours to fiddle with the settings on Strava to see if the program could understand that I had not been teleported from halfway up the mountain to the top, but I could not change the result.

Then it happened again, on a bike ride, I lost contact with GPS and the distance from 25 minutes of my ride was lost. It had a really bad impact on my average speed... So irritating! I know I should stop comparing, I still got the training effect whether Strava knows it or not. But I know am not alone.


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