Multisport Festival: Triathlon Mixed Relay National Championship - Team KatDaddy

Fun, Fun, Fun and more Fun.

Two men and two women made up teams for mixed relay and get this: all team members had to race three disciplines! Swim was 250m, bike 5km and run 1.2km. It was fast paced and exciting. Transition speed was important.

I had no team, but I put in my name for the organizers to find members from the pool of available athletes. I was placed in team KatDaddy with Curt and KC from New York and Andrea from Georgia. Our combined ages were 270, which made us one of the oldest teams, but Curt and KC are absolute top athletes in their age groups.

First leg was for guys and Curt started. Less than 20 minutes later he changed to me, and I jumped into the water. Wetsuit was allowed, but I decided to not use it for such a short distance. In T1, I skipped biking shoes and went straight for running shoes to save a few seconds in T2. I got a good draft on the bike, and as planned, I passed people in T2. Run took only 4.30, and then KC and Andrea completed the relay. Despite being on the older end in our competition group, we got third place!

Everyone agreed that the relay was the most entertaining event and team KatDaddy is planning on joining the fun next year! Only problem: we will be 4 years older, but we will still look forward to doing it again.

As a side note: the following day I did an Olympic distance non-championship race, and I won my age group. Key was to fill up energy depots right after the relay the day before, starting with a nutritional milkshake and a banana. I used energy gels through the race, and I finished with a good run, completing 10km on 57 minutes. This got me qualified to compete in Worlds 2023 on Olympic distance.


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